Life with an Acquired Disability

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Counseling relieves anxiety and depression for people with disabilities. Counseling provides a safe place to be angry or sad as long as you want and as loud as you want. No one will tell you how you should feel. We understand the challenges of life with a disability and help clients in identifying their feelings and processing their grief. 


We combine personal experience with three disciplines of counseling -- mental health, rehabilitation, and addiction.  

We use evidence-based theories that best fit the needs and goals of the client. We rely heavily on:  

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) 

  • Dialectic Behavior Therapy (DBT) 

  • Person-Centered / Talk Therapy

Elements of trauma-informed care and mindfulness are incorporated into all we do.


  • We support clients to talk about their experiences with loved ones.
  • Teach clients how to navigate relationship issues related to disability.
  • Promote an attitude of acceptance and introduce concepts such as neurodiversity.
  • Help clients identify and advocate for their needs.
  • Encourage clients to become active with their care team in the planning and creation of services.
  • Teach clients the power of their own voice in advocacy and creating change. 


  • Trauma
  • Grief
  • Relationships
  • Medical conditions
  • Pain
  • Isolation
  • Discrimination & misconceptions 
  • Loss of income & lifestyle
  • Substance abuse
  • Fear & anxiety about the future


  • Online services to ensure access.
  • Flexible appointment times.
  • Trauma-Informed care 
  • Access to interpreters & translation services for linguistically diverse and Deaf/deaf or hard of hearing clients.
  • Accessible intake paperwork (i.e., online platform, large print, simple language, etc.).
  • We consider the cultural perspectives of family/partner(s) toward people with disabilities.
  • We provide care based on the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) Guidelines for Assessment and Intervention of Individuals with Disabilities and ARCA Disability-Related Counseling Competencies.

Turning Pain into Strength

Therapy is a powerful way to face challenges and negative emotions.  By feeling negative emotions, instead of stuffing them down inside, pain can be transformed into unimaginable strength. 

We can help you through your psychological and emotional challenges and provide support as you find your new normal. I know from experience, there is an exciting new life waiting on the other side of your pain. 

If you would like to learn more about the services we provide, you can schedule a free 15-minute telephone consultation. 


Please Read

Although “people with disabilities” sometimes refer to a single population, this is a diverse group of people with a wide range of needs. Our services for individuals with disabilities are based on the guidelines and recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control for individuals with an acquired disability. We have focused our services based on training and expertise and our methods may be applicable to a wide range of conditions.

There are conditions that are beyond our scope of practice and/or ability to provide accommodation. We conduct an initial assessment of a potential client to identify conditions that may prevent the client from benefitting from our services. Not everyone will meet the requirements to participate in our program safely. We are obligated by the ACA Code of Ethics to avoid harm, respect the dignity, and promote the welfare of the client.

If the individual requires a different type of care, we work with them, their caregivers, and our community partners for an appropriate referral.

An expanded outline of the policy is available. Please send us a note at to request it.

Thank you.